
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Kaden, Jordan and Shya used the popplet app to write about our classroom and some of our people (pepol).  Kaden is a resident expert with the I-pads and this was his opportunity to peer tutor Shya and Jordan.  Our kids are natural teachers - in fact sometimes classmates say things in the manner that their peers understand better than how an adult can explain.  Once again, Miss T fears for her job with these ever increasing experts in Room 4!  Awesome team work!

Bradley and Lance thought the Sketch It app was pretty cool and used it to enhance a very cute photo of themselves.  


Riley went to Australia and used the Popplet app to record some of the things he got up to.  Ka pai Riley.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Popplet is an app on the I-pad which we can use for writing, inserting pictures, and information, in the format of a mind-map.  We are learning how to use the popplet app and these are some samples of our first attempts.  We're not bad for first timers!

We can also use the app Comic Life to help us write stories about what we know.  Joshua and Rikki have used this app to record their  EOTC adventure.


Kaysha is thrilled to find a skeleton leaf
 Keira walks down the Nature Trail
into the Redwoods.  It's been a big walk
for our AA's!

Joshua and Lance takes a break on the way to the Redwoods.  

Rikki, Shardanae, Sophie and Mary-Jane are all enjoying the scavenger hunt!   

Neil was busy helping his team stick their findings onto the Scavenger Hunt sheet

Miss O can walk across the rather rickety bridge!

Pretty pine-cone Joshua

Nearly there!  We have walked for such a long time - up and down, over and through!  

Tino pai rawa atu AA's.  You are awesome.  You did it!  You didn't give up.  Now that's the "Mayfair Way!"

The Awesome Acorn's and 20 of our fantastic parents walked into the Redwoods from the main car park on Te Mata Peak Road.  We walked down Chambers Drive and up and over and down into the Redwoods.   Some of the hills seemed very big but we didn't give up.  We were very proud of ourselves!  The scavenger hunt was very popular and our lovely parents seemed to enjoy it as well.  Lance found the some "fancy litter" which was a bottle of nail polish!!  Well done Lance.  The most interesting item to look for was a skeleton leaf and for some of us it was the first time we had seen one of these.  

So.... if you have a lazy day through the holidays - take a hike up the Peak and have a play in the Redwoods!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Kaden made this Show Me.  Unfortunately Kaden forgot to record what he was doing as he did drew his picture - and recorded his ideas after he had finished.  But we think that's ok because this was his first time and we think he did a great job for the first time on this app.  

Click on the link below and you will see Kaden's Show Me.


We love working on the I-pads and on Friday we checked out an app called "Show Me".  It is so cool because as you draw you can talk and say what you are doing and it will record your voice.  We work in pairs and help each other.  We are kapai at working together and sharing.  We learn lots from each other - we reckon Miss T will be expendable soon!


Bradley has made the square!
We have kete's which contain a variety
of activities.  In one kete are tangram sets.
Tangrams are a set of 7 shapes of
which various creations can be made.
The challenge was to be the first one to make a
square using all 7 pieces.  The children have been
trying at various times daily to make the square.
There was a chocolate bar at stake!  Someone
had to win it - and Bradley did. It took 7 weeks and lots of perserverence to get it right.
Tino pai rawa atu Bradley.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fun Friday - Lemonade Scones

Stir, stir, stir
 We love cooking and this Friday we made Lemonade Scones. We put 4 cups of self rising flour into the bowl, made a well and added 300ml cream and 300ml of lemonade.  Moulded it into a large rectangle, cut it into squares and popped it into the oven for 12 minutes.  They smelled so yummy when we bought them back into class.

When they had cooled down we put some jam and cream on top and they were yummy!

We made so many all the staff had some for morning tea.